Quick Fix: Knee Injury

Wouldn't it be fun to come off a Vespa and have it land on my knee? Said Nobody, Ever.

Including me.

However, in the interests of not living a boring, unchallenging life, I headed off to learn how to ride a scooter. Seems, it had plans for me, which involved reminding me that a quick moving, heavy chunk of metal atop an engine can be extraordinarily heavy especially when it lands on your limbs.

The abridged version of the whole story is that I had a Vespa land on my knee and over the coming week, I continued to attempt to move on it and only made it more intensely sore and tender. Thankfully, I booked in with a physiotherapist near home and she went through a variety of tests to ensure nothing really dramatic had occurred. It was a lateral ligament stretched and my hyper-flexible right shoulder had sub-luxated. Apparently, due to a yoga injury over a decade ago, I regularly engage in sub-luxing my shoulder and my body awareness and ability to compensate ensures that it doesn't create impingement.

No wonder I go on and on about shoulder stability in classes.

Within two appointments, I've gone from walking and sitting in pain to being able to return to BodyPump (with plenty of modifications!), walking without issues and the bruising and swelling has gone down immensely. I am doing All The Things. In case you're wondering what All The Things are, here's my guide.

Fix My Injury STAT. I have no time or patience for this: the checklist.

  • Book in with a physiotherapist. Make sure you feel confident with the person you're seeing though - if there's any doubts that they can help you, perhaps you'd be best to seek a referral to another practitioner either within the same practice or outside it. Don't be afraid to sever a relationship that doesn't feel right. I'm fortunate to have found a physiotherapist I really trust - knowing she has worked with elite athletes in the fields of football, gymnastics and dance really wins me over too. 
  • Do the at-home work. I know foam rolling and spiky ball and self-massage and the soda crystals and bandages are boring, but they're going to fix you. So just do it.
  • Use an all natural muscle rub. Sure, you could use highly medicated, expensive stuff like Voltaren and Nurofen gel but I assure you, I have had much better results with an all-natural, plant-based product my physiotherapist recommended and used in treatment. It's called Relievamed and it's made in Australia. It smells like eucalyptus and ginger. Totally calming.
  • Take curcumin supplements to prevent and treat inflammation. There's clinical evidence that supports the regular intake of curcumin supplements, especially in the treatment of arthritic pain. Any injury that results in muscle and joint swelling and pain, or even digestive bloating and discomfort, can be alleviated and prevented with good quality supplements. I take Flexofytol, which is high strength, fast absorbing and Australian made. Totally clean and pure, and leaves zero after-taste. Two  a day is perfectly enough.
  • Find other ways to move and train that don't further inflame your injury. I love to move. It is my physical and my mental health therapy! While it isn't ideal to have an injury, of course, in fact it can push you to get creative and find other ways to train that don't involve your usual routine methods. This is good. Embrace it.

Be Truly Well and Truly Fit - Free Download

If you have decided - especially coming up to the end of one year and the beginning of another, that now is the time to overhaul your mindset and to embrace a life of being well and fit, I can't do it for you. But I can give you the tools to make it happen. 
I'll be creating some free workout guides in the coming weeks, but this is the ideal place to start. With reflection and setting your intention.

Fab Abs

I'm not going to spruik you bikini bodies or any of that crapola. The truth is, you need strong abs for life. They are essential in good posture, in maintaining your spine and hips and body in safe and optimum alignment for all activities (and at rest!).
The idea of "flat abs" is brilliant marketing, because it's not realistic for most people. That said, if you have a disproportionate amount of fat around the waistline, this can be a risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS and more.
No amount of planks or pilates will compensate if you are not eating well - that doesn't mean restriction and dieting (nasty cycle that will only make you feel awful!) but that you are aware of eating a decent serve of veggies (especially green), fruit (so many choices!), legumes, wholegrain carbs (love rye bread or wholegrain pasta) and lean protein (fish, skinless chicken, prawns, tofu).
This time of year it's tempting to overdo everything but try to keep your workout routine. Not just for the sake of your abs, but your sanity.
10 To 2
Lie on your back, pressing your whole spine into it. 
Slightly tuck the chin down to lengthen the neck and press the shoulders to the mat.
Raise both legs, pointing toes with a slight turn-out (like a mini plie) to the roof
Keeping legs pressed together, take them to the 10 o'clock position.
Centre, then direct legs to the 2 o'clock position.
Repeat x 10 each direction

Double Leg Extension
Again, press spine into the mat firmly.
Curl the shoulders up away from the mat and lift the knees over the hips.
Inhale to extend the arms and legs as straight as you can.
Exhale to return knees over hips and arms reaching for toes.
Repeat x 10 - 15
Single Leg Teaser
Lie on your back, knees bent with heels aligned with hips. Raise one leg with thighs parallel.
Inhale to prepare and reach the arms up.
Exhale to curl the shoulders up away from the mat and reach for the toes of the raised leg.
Inhale to curl back down (don't drop!)
Repeat 8 on each side

Plie with Elbow to Knee
Get into a wide plie position, making sure your knees are tracking toward your 2nd toe.
Knees aligned over the ankles.
Maintaining your lower body in perfect stillness, take fingertips to ears. 
Lower the elbow towards the knee then return to centre before reaching to other side.
Repeat 10 on each side

Single Leg Extension
Stand with feet hip distance apart.
Draw the belly button towards the spine and contract the shoulders to open the chest.
Maintaining the hips at the same level (don't hitch up on one side!), extend one leg back as you reach forward.
Hold for a count of 3.
Return to standing on one leg. 
Repeat 10 times each side
Beware: Don't twist at the hips! Think about maintaining the hip bones in the same direction at all times

Tabletop Elbow To Knee
On your hands and knees, with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips.
Draw belly button to spine and avoid arching the back or rounding up.
Lengthen the back of the neck and direct the crown of the head forward.
Extend alternate arm and leg to make a long straight line.
Hold for 2 seconds then bring elbow to knee in the centre.
Repeat 10 times each side

Yoga Wear New Prints Colours Shades & Designs

Two of my fave brands from the US both offer EASY, AFFORDABLE shipping to Australia and internationally, so don't think you can't get these fabulous fit bits on your fit bits.
Both Mika Yoga Wear and Om Shanti Clothing make clothing for yoga girls who are serious about yoga. Their yoga pants are built to move and to last.

They're also made to look amazing, feel amazing and stand out from the humdrum, boring yawn of black and the mega sportsmarket brands everyone else is wearing.

Mika Yoga Wear has just released the awesome Kaya Legging (High Waisted!)  in new prints. Check out their gorgeous campaign shot in the beautiful desert wilderness. I've got the neon green Kaya Legging full length leggings, the Blackberry capris and the beautiful Bluebee Print Ella Top.

Go to www.mikayogawear.com

Om Shanti Clothing is a totally new discovery for me and it is ROCKING MY WORLD! The high cut waist, the amazing fabric, but most of all...the knockout prints. Whether you love florals, animal print, galactic cosmic wonderlands or geometric designs, there is something to suit. I have the Pink Galaxy Aztec Cluster Power Leggings and the Navy Floral Power Pants. They are getting so many compliments! You must discover this brand. Super, super affordable to ship to Australia.