Fab Abs

I'm not going to spruik you bikini bodies or any of that crapola. The truth is, you need strong abs for life. They are essential in good posture, in maintaining your spine and hips and body in safe and optimum alignment for all activities (and at rest!).
The idea of "flat abs" is brilliant marketing, because it's not realistic for most people. That said, if you have a disproportionate amount of fat around the waistline, this can be a risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS and more.
No amount of planks or pilates will compensate if you are not eating well - that doesn't mean restriction and dieting (nasty cycle that will only make you feel awful!) but that you are aware of eating a decent serve of veggies (especially green), fruit (so many choices!), legumes, wholegrain carbs (love rye bread or wholegrain pasta) and lean protein (fish, skinless chicken, prawns, tofu).
This time of year it's tempting to overdo everything but try to keep your workout routine. Not just for the sake of your abs, but your sanity.
10 To 2
Lie on your back, pressing your whole spine into it. 
Slightly tuck the chin down to lengthen the neck and press the shoulders to the mat.
Raise both legs, pointing toes with a slight turn-out (like a mini plie) to the roof
Keeping legs pressed together, take them to the 10 o'clock position.
Centre, then direct legs to the 2 o'clock position.
Repeat x 10 each direction

Double Leg Extension
Again, press spine into the mat firmly.
Curl the shoulders up away from the mat and lift the knees over the hips.
Inhale to extend the arms and legs as straight as you can.
Exhale to return knees over hips and arms reaching for toes.
Repeat x 10 - 15
Single Leg Teaser
Lie on your back, knees bent with heels aligned with hips. Raise one leg with thighs parallel.
Inhale to prepare and reach the arms up.
Exhale to curl the shoulders up away from the mat and reach for the toes of the raised leg.
Inhale to curl back down (don't drop!)
Repeat 8 on each side

Plie with Elbow to Knee
Get into a wide plie position, making sure your knees are tracking toward your 2nd toe.
Knees aligned over the ankles.
Maintaining your lower body in perfect stillness, take fingertips to ears. 
Lower the elbow towards the knee then return to centre before reaching to other side.
Repeat 10 on each side

Single Leg Extension
Stand with feet hip distance apart.
Draw the belly button towards the spine and contract the shoulders to open the chest.
Maintaining the hips at the same level (don't hitch up on one side!), extend one leg back as you reach forward.
Hold for a count of 3.
Return to standing on one leg. 
Repeat 10 times each side
Beware: Don't twist at the hips! Think about maintaining the hip bones in the same direction at all times

Tabletop Elbow To Knee
On your hands and knees, with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips.
Draw belly button to spine and avoid arching the back or rounding up.
Lengthen the back of the neck and direct the crown of the head forward.
Extend alternate arm and leg to make a long straight line.
Hold for 2 seconds then bring elbow to knee in the centre.
Repeat 10 times each side

How to Cope With Injury and Illness When Fitness And Dance Are Your Life

Alongside death, moving house, losing a job and divorce, dealing with physical injury is considered one of the major threats to mental health.
Many, many years ago at the height of my manic hours of running, I would force myself to work through injuries to the point of being incapable of walking from my car to the kerb. I have come to a genuine appreciation of my body and what it can do now and forcing my body into a regime it can't cope with is a foreign idea to me, thank god.

For many who have a daily routine, who work in fitness or play a sport, injury can be isolating. Especially if you can't make the classes where you normally see the same people and it's a social communion that lifts your spirits.

Having strained both knees at the moment, I'm struggling with the mental and physical
consequences. I can't do my usual training routine and I've had to reduce my classes to enable recovery and healing time. Here are my coping strategies and whatever your injury, whatever impact it has on your professional or personal life, I hope these ideas help you.

1. Be sad! Don't feel like you have to puff your chest out, smile and shrug it off. You're not overreacting. This is your body and when it isn't performing as you want it to and it's even causing you pain, that IS sad. This is part of healing.

2. Get the information you need from a professional. Don't self-diagnose (oh, it's probably a twisted ankle, I think I fractured my... etc). See a physiotherapist, a doctor, a sport physiologist and diagnose exactly what the issue is. Then you can determine the best way to rehabilitate.

3. Plan your rehabilitation. Don't set exact timelines. You won't know for sure that your body will follow a set plan. But work out what you can do and what will still make you strong, flexible and able to spend time with others while not compromising your health and fitness.

3. Use the skills you have gained as an athlete, yogi, weightlifting pro in every other aspect of your life. Be strong, be determined, be committed.

4. Don't isolate yourself. Attend classes that you can participate in - even if you need to modify moves and even skip parts of.

5. See a counselor, psychologist, compassionate GP. Being able to talk about your fears, your struggles and your plans with someone who is trained to listen and support is so valuable.

As a barre instructor, I found this site fascinating. Common Dance Injuries by body area. As a hyper-extender (where I lock my knees back), I need to think about keeping flexion or a slight bend in the knees. Trying.
The following info comes from Harkness Centre for Dance Injuries.

Genu Recurvatum (Hyperextension)

" My knees extend way back, and now they’re painful."

Knee Injury Prevention Tip for Dancers

  • Strengthening the knee and hip muscles are critical to preventing overuse injuries. Strong, balanced muscles will help take strain away from the knee.
  • Stretching the knee and hip muscles are equally important in preventing overuse injuries. Stretching the quadriceps, hamstring, and hip muscles will help to make your muscles long and lean, and will reduce pull on the different knee structures.
  • Give your body time to rest and heal itself, otherwise damage can build up and cause chronic pain conditions.
  • Listen to your body! If it hurts after class, rehearsal or performance, the chances are you’ve irritated something by over-use. Ease off it, and give it time to heal, otherwise you may end up with an ‘–itis’ type overuse injury.
  • Fatigue sets in at the end of a long day of class and rehearsal. Continued strengthening of the knee and hip muscles is of the utmost importance to prevent injury when the body gets tired.
  • Use proper technique. Alignment in a plié should always be maintained such that the knee goes directly over the second toe. When the knee falls inside the second toe, it can put increased stress on structures in the ankle, knee, and hip.

Gym Bag Essentials for Summer

Hello Sun - nice to have you back in Melbourne at full freakin' strength.
Time to rejig the skincare, food and drink choices, makeup and gymwear options. Yes, full length tights aren't always suitable for more humid weather. And heavier, warm foods aren't always conducive to a comfortable sleep on humid, hot nights.
So pour yourself a cold brewed coffee (super strong plunger coffee left in the fridge overnight? Ideal morning greeting!) and add these summer staples to your own gym bag. If it makes you feel good about working out and looking after yourself, it's an investment in your wellbeing and maintaining healthy, body happy habits!

Om Shanti Clothing Power Capri in Fractal Spiral Cleft and Yoga Heart Crop Top are ideal summer yoga, pilates, barre, dance and gym fashion. I have tried and tested this brand in hot yoga, outdoor yoga, barre, weights and cardio sessions and also hardcore supermarket workouts (stretch, grab, lift and squat!). Functional AND fashionable.
The Little Alchemist Pineapple & Zeolite Micropolish is cruelty free, natural, certified organic and 100% Australian made. And it smells like a tropical cocktail! You'll be counting down the workout seconds until you can hit the shower and polish up.
The Little Alchemist Cacao & Cardamom Body Serum combines acai and goji berries, wheatgrass, chocolatey cacao and spicy cardamom to nourish your skin with all natural, certified organic ingredients. You'll smell like a fruity dream as you float from the steamy studio to your coffee date.
Medik8 CE Tetra (from Facial Co) is a high quality, concentrated vitamin C serum that will last for ages. You only need to apply a few drops to your face, wait a minute, then apply your skincare and makeup. Vitamin C retexturises and brightens the complexion. It fights acne, blemishes and protects against environmental damage. I apply it ritually morning and night!
Maybelline Fit Me Dewy + Smooth Foundation with SPF 18 sunscreen. Affordable, non comedogenic, hydrates skin and comes in so many tones, you will definitely find a perfect match. I'm 220 Natural Beige. If you're less about a liquid foundation, try...
Maybelline Fit Me Stick Foundation with SPF 15 sunscreen (I'm 130 Buff Beige) which is perfect for spot-prone skin because it's:

  • oil free
  • natural and matte (no shiny face!)
  • easy to keep subtle or build for fuller coverage
W3LL People Bio Brightener is an all natural, cruelty free illuminating stick. The creamy formula is lightweight and easy to apply quickly and effortlessly. You could keep it in your handbag or the glovebox for touch-ups! Try applying it under the outer edge of your eyebrows, on the height of the cheekbones, and a dab on the cupid's bow. The spots where the light naturally hits your skin. I also adore the W3LL People Bio Bronzer. Again, this is a creamy formula that you can draw on (I feel like Tank Girl!) then blend with your fingers, a sponge, or a brush. With extracts of aloe, green tea and chamomile, you're nourishing your skin as well as looking gorgeous. Both available at Beautiful Because (all about natural beauty products).
KMS Tame Frizz De-Frizz Oil is lightweight, non greasy and creates a barrier to prevent humidity attacking your perfect #gymhair #ballet topknot! Use on wet hair OR dry hair. 
VS Sassoon Straight & Curl is cheaper than some of the hair styling tools out there, and having used it for several months now, I would entirely recommend it for straightening AND creating curls. I especially love that you can adjust the heat settings so that if you have thinner strands, you're not blasting them with full bore heat, whereas coarser hair might require a bit more oomph. Plus the same tool gives you dead straight style or gorgeous mermaid waves and curls. BONUS! By buying from the VS Sassoon The Power of Pink collection, you're supporting VS Sassoon in donating to Breast Cancer Network Australia.

All Black Yoga Wear Edit

You know I freakin' obsess over Onzie! So for my upcoming trip to Barcelona and Paris, I want to look Euro Chic in all black everything. I also want to be ready for yoga and barre at the flip of a Euro coin! I don't want to look like a sweaty mess on the Saint Germain though. Black. Mesh. Print. Dots. This is the All Black Edit.

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  • Black mesh, black magic print and the tri coloured black, silver and futura print leggings are all in my suitcase. I plan on doing yoga, barre and whatever other fun fitness classes Parisian and Spanish girls are loving. That's between trekking the beautiful streets of Saint Germain, Barcelona and stretching my pins while watching the countryside from the train from Barcelona to Paris mid-May. A girl has to invest in her fitness gear. You know it. I've even been super prepared by buying black sneakers to match  my outfit. It was necessary! The second pair? Well, that was just fun. Stay tuned for photos.