Stress Hormones: How to combat belly fat, bloating and blemishes

stress hormones belly fat blemishes acne health
In over 10 years of teaching, I've been asked the same few questions repeatedly. Two of the most common are:

  • How do I fix blemishes/acne/dry skin?
  • How do I target excess belly weight?

Now, as we all should know, I don't buy into body hate and shaming and guilt. Women naturally have curves and a tendency to hold weight around the belly and hips because women are designed to create, house and nourish new human life within their bodies. That's pretty amazing. Whether you choose to have children or not, your body is engineered for it.

That said, there's a fine balance to find between functional and healthy amount of particular hormones and the sort of irregularity and imbalance that will lead to a cycle of nasty symptoms that indicate hormonal problems and that lead to MORE hormonal imbalances if not addressed through lifestyle.

The culprit - in all my discussions with medical and natural health practitioners, and in my personal experience - is the stress hormone, cortisol. An excess of cortisol leads to inflammation within the body, creating dramas with digestion, sleep, mood, acne and blemishes, insatiable appetite, cravings, bloating and weight gain particularly around the belly and hips.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (in the kidney area). It isn't all bad! Cortisol is produced to enable the body to handle and respond to danger. It is also heightened during exercise or at the beginning of the day to put the body into a more alert state.

Too much cortisol results in a number of symptoms, including weight gain around the face and abdomen, thin and easily broken skin, acne, bones more vulnerable to fracture and breaking, depressed mood, increased facial hair and irregular periods.

Some medications can mimic cortisol, including some asthma medication and topical steroid creams or steroidal drugs.

What can you do to prevent excessive cortisol and a crappy mood, bloated belly and tired, dull skin? Here's some simple steps. Take one at a time, or all at once:

  • Stop the extra long workouts. No wonder your body believes your under pressure and in need of hormones to cope with stress if you're forcing yourself through training regimes that run over 90 minutes
  • Cut the coffee. Sure, addictive, sure. But if you want to sleep and look 10 years younger, stop.
  • Eat wholefoods. Organic wherever possible, but maintain a diet where at least 80% of your food is a plant that you can recognise as exactly the same as it was on the tree or in the earth (powdered beetroot doesn't count)
  • Take high-quality supplements if your diet is restricted at all (vegan protein, omega 3 supplements, vitamin D if you don't get much sun, multivitamins)
  • Did I mention Omega 3 supplements?
  • Eat a high fibre diet to maintain good gut health
  • Take adaptogenic herbs: licorice root tea or medicinal mushrooms are easy to find at health food stores or online
  • Take 5 minutes every morning and/or evening to sit quietly, eyes closed and breathe fully into the belly then slowly out again. Set a phone timer if you need.
  • Get away from screens. Put the phone down.
  • Go to yoga - any type.
  • Do pilates
  • Dance
  • Laugh
  • Omega 3 supplements (seriously, though)
Image from Wholefood Merchants, Melbourne

Skincare: Cleansing, Vitamins and Probiotics for Clear Radiant Skin

When it comes to the skin, it's important to remember this is the largest organ of the body. Like all our other organs, it is highly reactive and responsive to what we eat, our level of activity, stress levels and sleep quality.

I've written before on the benefits of probiotics for your digestion.
Not only do they improve vitamin and mineral absorption, they can be beneficial during and after antibiotic use to restore balance to the gut bacteria and also to support immune function during stressful periods.

Good digestion and good immune function are also vital to radiant, healthy skin. 

You don't need to take probiotic supplements as a first call, but I find they're the most convenient option for me. If your diet naturally has fermented foods such as miso, sauerkraut, kombucha and yoghurt (not the nasty diet and fat free options!) then you're on the right track.

Here's the foods you want and the skincare I'm using and that I swear by. Yes, it will cost a bit more than your supermarket shelf option, but it has higher concentration and high quality ingredients. You can afford to spend a little more on cleansers and specialist serums and go for cheaper moisturisers - but check that your moisturiser is non-comedogenic (doesn't block pores and cause blackheads).

Alpha H is beloved in the beauty therapy world. For good reason. Their Vitamin C serum is a staple in my bathroom cabinet and while this is my first time using the Triple Action Cleanser, it leaves my skin feeling fresh, without the harshness of some deep cleansers. No prune face post washing! Find it at Facial Co.

Danne Montague-King is also a salon brand. High quality, high potency products and I have been using them for years with great results. I am new to these ones and I am loving them. The Exoderma and Foamy Lift are used together for an enzyme peel. It's not vicious - you won't be left with peeling and redness, don't fear. It's a gentle peel for at-home use.
The Beta Gel is packed with Vitamin B and C for acne and blemish prone skin. I use it when my skin decides to have a spotty turn - it usually happens when I get stressed or underslept. Or both.
DMK is only available at skin clinics - find your closest one on the DMK Clinic Locator. And book a facial - because life is short and facials are awesome.
Skinceuticals were recommended to me by a cosmetic skin specialist AND several beauty therapists. It is highly rated in the skincare and beauty world for good reason - I am a dedicated Vitamin C devotee and if you haven't used Skinceuticals, you really must. I have been using medik8 Retinol 10TR, which is high strength and my skin needs a bit of a break and a reboost so in the few days between applying retinol, I'm applying daily Skinceuticals CE Ferulic. Find both Skinceuticals AND medik8 at Skincare Store.


Miso, Kefir, Soft cheeses, Yoghurt, Milk with Probiotics, Sauerkraut, Kombucha, Tempeh

Inner Health Plus available at Ethical Nutrients

Brushing Off Dandruff - The Gym Girl Hair Dilemma

My immune system has gone a bit haywire recently - and my body is sending out signs it is not happy and would like some rest, please!
Waking up at 3am with a ridiculously itchy scalp is one of those signals. Did you know...

  • Dandruff affects about 50 per cent of the population.
  • Itching scalp can be caused by conditions, including dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Medicated shampoos can be used to treat dandruff and relieve itchy scalp.

Between work and study, trying to find more work, and also trying to indulge my creative pursuits, my sleep and my sense of peace have been shot. While I can't change my schedule, I do know that study ends at the close of January and I will have a bit more calm in my life and time to work out what I want to do next.

As for the dandruff dilemma, I have consulted hairdressers, nutritionists and dietitians and their advice is here for your benefit. I have read that apple cider vinegar applied topically is a treatment, but the dietitians and hairdressers found this amusing and there is no evidence for that! Stick to medicated and targeted dandruff treatment if you want a safe bet.

Also, don't ignore what this might say about your diet. I can safely put this down to stress and going a little heavy on the retinol (vitamin A) skin products, but a lack of vitamins B, C and zinc could be culprits. There can be other causes for dandruff including infection, digestive disorders and allergy. If it's persistent, see your GP.

Foods to prevent and treat dandruff: Garlic (Allicin is a natural anti-fungal compound that is found in garlic when the plant is crushed or chopped), Chickpeas, Ginger, Pumpkin Seeds (a rich source of zinc, especially if you don't eat animal-based foods) & Apples

Products to treat dandruff and dry scalp:
Kiehl's Scalp Purifying Pyrithione Zinc Dandruff Shampoo

Kiehl's Magic Elixir (with rosemary and avocado oil)
Cedel Anti Dandruff Shampoo (with 2% zinc pyrithione, the highest level available)
Lee 'Supercharged Food' Holmes, nutritionist and author of Heal Your Gut, recommends vitamin C rich foods and also rinsing the hair with coconut oil. I have heard the coconut oil recommendation quite a bit as a scalp remedy and it is rich in minerals and nutrients so this may aid in keeping the scalp nourished AFTER you've treated the dandruff with zinc pyrithione-rich and targeted shampoos.

The Good Oil on 3 Budget Buys for Banishing Blemishes, Laundry, Stress Free Sleep and Cleaning

It amazes me that not everyone has cottoned on to the wonders of this cheap, versatile supermarket buy. Eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender oil are all super cheap, potent, easily available, NATURAL and multi-use.
If you only choose one oil - eucalyptus is your friend. I have a bottle that has lasted 6 months. I use eucalytus oil:

  • to dab into my nostrils to prevent inflammation from dust pollens and cold/flu symptoms
  • added to saline solution for a nasal spray
  • dabbed on blemishes to reduce inflammation and blitz spots
  • added to floor cleaner
  • to wipe down bathroom surfaces
  • to wash gym clothing - out, out damn germs!
  • diluted as a spray for the yoga mat. Trust me.
Then there are two more that will go the distance. They have multiple uses and because they are so potent, you'll use only a tiny amount at a time. This is going to be magic for your budget and your health. I use lavender oil:
  • rubbed gently on my temples to relax
  • spritzed on my pillow and bedding before sleep to de-stres
  • added to boiling water for a facial steam (just hold a towel over your head!)
  • added to fragrance-free, basic moisturisers for scent and anti-inflammatory properties
  • massage oil for the muscles
Finally, though the smell takes me back to my teenage years, teatree oil dabbed on spots will blitz them. It's also great for cuts, abrasions and also for cleaning duties.

It's worth buying 3 at a time and saving around 15% - I order online at Bosisto's but these are also easily available at chemists, pharmacies and supermarkets.

Healthy Hair, Head and Scalp

So - admission. For the past month or so I've had an itchy scalp and the dreaded D word: dandruff. I know I'm far from alone! In fact, it's pretty common for sporty or active types because sweating into your hair doesn't make for a healthy scalp and using dry shampoo instead of washing doesn't improve the situation.
I tackled the issue on 3 fronts:

  1. Diet and lifestyle
  2. Hair Products
  3. Styling Habits and Utensils


A healthy scalp means the skin and hair follicles are not clogged with product, there is adequate protein in your diet and the vitamins and minerals required to nourish healthy skin in general. Biotin, silica, vitamin B and D are all Healthy Scalp and Hair elements. Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. The typical mediterranean diet, rich in fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains and healthy fats rather than heavy on white carbohydrates and convenience foods is your best option, but also consider a supplement like Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails 

As for other lifestyle factors? Stress and lack of sleep will impact every aspect of your body, from increasing the likelihood of injuries to sallow skin, moodiness and...bad hair. Rather than get even MORE stressed about it, look at what you can change. Could you reduce some of the activities you feel obliged to do? Could you ask colleagues for assistance? Could you do a yoga class instead of working through your lunchbreak? Could you swap your 3pm jelly bean frenzy for a power walk to the nearest juice bar and get a berry smoothie instead? (Or make a batch at home and take it to work!)


I have just discovered a new range of Australian Made products.
I wanted no nasties (formaldehyde, sulphates,parabens, etc) and salon-quality results. What is especially exciting is it's AUSTRALIAN! So, go local! bhave uses raw natural bioactive keratin extracted from New Zealand sheep wool that is rich in amino acids and proteins to nourish the scalp and hair. Essentially, this binds to damage and rebuilds strength and elasticity.
Here's what you need to know:

  • Australian Owned
  • Not Tested On Animals
  • No Parabens, Sulphates, Sodium Chloride
  • Certified Organic Ingredients
  • Proven Results

I'm using the damage control rescue shampoo and conditioner as well as the scalp shampoo and since the FIRST WASH, no dandruff and no itching! It's specifically designed to control irritation and the non-toxic formulation is rich in naturally active ingredients to rebalance the scalp environment.
I'm also using the macadamia-oil enriched leave-in creme, fresh ends and riot control oil. It's called "riot control" for frizzy hair. What more could you ask for?

Find your nearest salon and read more on their Website.

Also check them out on


I was saying to my Carlton class just a few days ago, I used to idolise the sleek, straight, raven black bob of a newsreader on TV as a child. I was certain that I would grow up and no longer have wild, curly, coppery brown tresses but a sleek, chic bob with a fringe. A perfectly straight, no-nonsense fringe. That is still my dream. So, of course, I am a straightener addict.

When the dandruff and irritation really started impacting on my sleep, I looked hard at both the products I'm using and the fact I've got an ancient hairdryer that only blasts super-hot air and is well beyond it's use-by. So I found a kickass replacement that is SUPER AFFORDABLE! For under $30, I found the Remington Styling Pro 2150 that has:

  • Air Curler & Waver attachment
  • 2150 watt Hair Dryer
  • 6 switch combinations: 3 heat/2 speed
  • Cool Shot to set style when you're done!

You can buy it at Harvey Norman for $27 (AU).

As for my straightener, it's still good for action and I use the salon-approved ghd. My pick is the ghd IV Styler (free delivery if you order on the ghd site!)