Plump Your Skin: 5 Treatments To Do In Your Thirties & Forties

As a magazine junkie, I admit I can see how women would gain the idea that an entirely crease-free, plastic-fresh face would seem like a normal goal in life. The airbrushing is madness! But there are images sometimes, like the divine Christy Turlington for Valentino, with her untamed hair and the gentle lines of a lifetime of smiling, where true natural beauty is on show.

In the age of the selfie, where snapping photos of your food and your face and your dog in the middle of conversation is seemingly de rigeur, it's only natural we should be more aware of lines, creases, blotchy skin and spots. There is no particular age at which these start to show... and really, we need some perspective too. These are signs of ageing, which is inevitable and beautiful. The alternative is either never having lived at all, or being dead. Those creases, those lines, those sun-spots are all proof you have lived, laughed and loved. So I am forthwith, not giving you the low-down on how to be entirely frozen faced and line-free! Nobody wants to kiss and cuddle and converse with a puffer fish stuck on a human body. These are treatments, with the benefits and details, that you can consider as an investment in slowing down and reversing signs of facial ageing. Great skin: glowing, evenly pigmented, bright eyes and healthy, hydrated skin and hair are beautiful at any and every age.
beauty 30s blue hair jaime king

Celebrity nutritionist and naturopath, Nigma Talib advises to minimise, and ideally cut, the following from your diet on a semi-regular basis for two weeks to enhance digestion and improve skin health from the gut:
  • Sugar
  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Alcohol
 Start with the very insides and then come with me and try the following:

Enzyme Facial

face mask salon beauty baysideI have had the "Time Less Enzyme" facial at Bayside Skin & Laser two months ago and my skin looked firmer and the shape of my face more defined for days afterwards. This has NEVER happened after any other treatment. It can feel like your face and decolletage are being squeezed under pressure from the treatment masque as it absorbs, but this doesn't last longer than 10 minutes before cleansing so hang tight. The Enzyme facial is part of a treatment plan. Ideally, you'll do this facial as part of a program of other treatments which it prepares the face for: hydrating, balancing and stimulating cell turnover.


Who here hasn't watched Star Wars? Everyone knows lasers are good news!
bayside skin skincare laser 30sBut seriously, get this on your face, stat. All the celebrities are doing it, so you know it must be worth your pennies. Taking less than half an hour, I have a quick cleanse, don eye protection and a laser wand is directed over my cheeks, chin, forehead and briefly over my nose pulsing 40 degree heat deep into my facial skin to stimulate the cells. The heat brings blood flow to the face and causes micro-damage which forces the skin cells to recruit collagen for repair. The result? Plumpness. Right where you want it - cheeks, chin, under-eyes and forehead. Again, Bayside Skin & Laser is my salon of choice. Make sure you entirely trust the clinician you go to (word of mouth counts!)

Skin Needling

I have only had one treatment and so I can't vouch for it being a long-term effective treatment as the recommendation is to have around 6 treatments minimum over a series of months. I'd be more than happy to continue to try this and it has been highly recommended for treatment of acne scarring or pigmentation (or both!). There are also now some tools for at-home use but ultimately, the salon experience will always be conducted by a trained professional and when it comes to needles and your face, consider the approach you want to take.
I went to Claire Francoise in Prahran. I have also had a professional full body tan at Claire Francoise and it was the best one I've ever had - totally natural, dark, non-sticky and fast developing.

If you have experienced a treatment that changed your skin or stopped the clock at 35, tell me. Go on. I'll be on Facebook and Instagram awaiting!


How Your Eating Affects Skin and Physical Signs of Ageing

The typical Western approach to exercise and eating is geared towards a More Is More approach - but unfortunately, not more joyful, more mindful, more considered and more strategic. Just More. However, well intentioned as your ambitions to run a full marathon, train for 4 hours a day, eat a gluten free, dairy free, carb free diet and exfoliate three times a day, you may win medals but you could also be asking to look like a mouldy prune by 40.

What best benefits your body and mind is some perspective. 
You have a functioning, well body. You have the intelligence and awareness to be seeking and open to information on how to move and fuel it. Everything begins and ends with that desire to be well. Consider that everything you do must stem from the intention to look after your body because you love it and want it to function, look, feel and BE fit and well throughout your whole life.

A restrictive diet can result in bone loss, nutritional deficiency and an onset of physical signs of ageing and illness.

The vegan diet in particular can be short on protein, iron, B12 and calcium if these nutrients aren't knowingly enhanced in dietary choices. Similarly, if you are genuinely allergic to foods, it is vital to have your levels of iron, calcium, vitamins B & D and iron measured. It would also be worth seeing a nutritionist or dietitian who can advise on dietary sources of essential nutrients based on your age, lifestyle, level of fitness and your goals (whether that's running a marathon, travelling the world, having a child or addressing particular symptoms).

Consider also that combining particular foods can enhance their nutritional power. Many vitamins are fat soluble, including A, D, E and K. Even a drizzle of coconut oil, a handful of nuts or some avocado in your salad will immediately boost the value of these nutrients in your veggie intake. Iron and vitamin C are known partners (a little citrus addition to your spinach in the form of lemon juice or sliced up oranges in your salad...)

My pick for Australian Certified Organic, all natural, tasty coconut oil is The Whole Foodies. Coconut oil not only adds island fresh flavour to salads and sauces, but is ideal for frying, roasting and ALSO as a beauty tonic. Comb it through the hair for an instant mask, or apply it as a moisturising balm to the skin.

Plant-based healthy fats are an excellent addition to your diet for more than vitamin and nutrient absorption. They take longer to digest than carbs and protein and therefore act to fulfil the appetite and regulate hormones such as insulin, ghrelin and leptin which - when imbalanced - can fuel hunger and cravings whether you require fuel or not. Go for avocado, coconut, olive oil, nuts, seeds, milk and yoghurt (obviously not fat-free versions!)

Adequate calcium prevents the face and body from ageing signs.

A lack of calcium can show up in weakened and vulnerable bones. This doesn't just result in the dreaded "hunchback" appearance of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis at its most potent. Consider that the face is a thin layer of skin over...bone.
If the bones are weak and deteriorating, this impacts the cartilage in the nose, eye sockets, chin and forehead. Weak bones leads to an early onset of shrinkage of the bones, wrinkles, a concave effect on the forehead and no amount of fillers and botox will disguise a lack of good nutrition and genuine glowing health. Protect and feed the scaffolding so that you glow for your whole mortal life. If you don't do dairy, consider another calcium rich source of milk such as soy and almond. Check the level of calcium as not all "milk" products are calcium-rich. Don't even bother with rice and oat milk if calcium is your concern.

One major calcium secret for vegans and foodies? Unhulled tahini! It contains four times the amount of calcium in full fat cow's milk. My pick is the organic unhulled tahini from Aussie brand The Whole Foodies which is Australian Certified Organic, paleo, gluten free and 100% vegan.

Facial Wrinkles Linked to Bone Density (WebMD)
Calcium In The Vegan Diet (The Vegetarian Resource Group)

Adrenalin-fuelled exercise leeches calcium from the bones. Extended cardio - from cycling, running, climbing or whatever you may be doing - as well as caffeine and stress are all sources of calcium robbery from your body. While you can ensure a higher intake of calcium through diet, it is also worth replacing some of the cardio-based exercise you do with weight-bearing exercise that builds bone strength (this can be weight-lifting or reformer pilates, circuit training or BodyPump).

Probiotics and Prebiotics for a healthy immune and digestive system

A happy belly is related to more stable mood and appetite, having positive benefits for sleep, relationships, energy for exercise and just living generally.
A healthy gut and immune system are also the basis for healthy skin. The process of shedding the outermost layer of the dermis and allowing new skin to be revealed that is radiant and well nourished depends on a healthy diet, stress management, balanced hormones and adequate sleep. Fuel your healthiest gut with pre- and probiotics found in kombucha, miso, tofu, yoghurt and kefir.

I've been delighted by Adam Liaw's recent book of recipes that embrace fresh, seasonal produce in creative and flavour loaded combinations. Here's a recipe for Sushi Sandwiches - they look so fancy and yet they're so easy to make! The Zen Kitchen by Adam Liaw is published by Hachette Australia ($49.99).


1 cup cooked rice per sandwich
1 sheet nori per sandwich
Your favourite sandwich
or sushi fillings (some
suggestions below)

1 Place a sheet of nori on a piece of plastic wrap on a cutting
board with the shiny side facing down. Spread ½ cup rice in a
10cm square at 45° to the nori. Top the rice square with your
choice of filling and cover with the remaining ½ cup rice.
2 Fold the corners of the nori sheet into the centre to create
a square with the filling inside. Gather the plastic wrap around
the sandwich and leave wrapped for at least 10 minutes for the
seaweed to soften and stick to the rice. This will help hold the
sandwich together. Use a sharp knife moistened with a little cold
water to slice through the centre of the sandwich to reveal the
filling, and serve.
Prawn and avocado
Ham, cheese and tomato
Teriyaki chicken and green beans
Salmon, salmon roe, egg and lettuce.

Just like the rice balls, don’t keep these sandwiches in the fridge.
Eat them straight away or pack them in plastic wrap or foil at room

temperature to eat later

Stress Relieving Practices regulate hormones, increase energy and counter a busy lifestyle.

Many people claim their yoga practice is their stress relief. I understand - but it is really only effective if the style, environment, accessibility and cost are all feeding into your practice being a stress relief rather than a source of agitation.

If you feel that doing class is a chore rather than a joy, or you are pushing yourself to do a vigorous and athletic form of yoga when everything else you do is busy, competitive, adrenalin-fuelled and physical then it's hard to imagine this practice is genuinely stress relief for your body and mind.
This is not to say you shouldn't do this type of practice - only that you may also benefit from including other types of yoga practice such as yin yoga, restorative, iyengar, slow flow or pure meditation and pranayama practice.

Other forms of moving meditation that attune your mind, body and spirit and create a sense of peace that you carry beyond the practice itself and into your daily life include anything outdoors - surfing, walking through parks, beach and gardens, tai chi, swimming and sailing.

Use Good Quality Skincare. Incorporate It Into Your Stress Relief Practices.

I don't mean apply your avocado and coconut face mask and get into a headstand, although I am partial to applying my face mask and...getting into a headstand. Because, why not?

Make skincare part of a routine and ritual that calms and grounds you daily. I always wash my face as soon as I get up - it's my wake up call. I wash off my day when I get home too. If I'm in need of some down-time, I slather on a face mask, crack open a book and sit on my balcony to allow the wind and elements to soothe me. A streaming reggae playlist also helps.

My latest discovery is Bobbi Brown for skincare - as a long time fan of her makeup and Bobbi as an entrepreneur and force of good in the world of beauty, skincare and women in business, I am not surprised (but still thrilled) her skincare is worthy of devotion and dollars too.
Try her Coral Grass & Green Algae Skin Nourish Mask

I'm also big on peels but nothing too harsh because being violent with the skin only inflames the blemishes or ageing signs. Rather, do a weekly at-home glycolic peel.  Try cult beauty brand StriVectin LABS 5-Minute Glycolic Peel.

Beauty Body and Scents - the EOFY Special

That's right! End of Financial Year - when accountants finally dress up in glitter and sequins and do backflips while they calculate your tax return.


But really, after you've gone through the trauma that is doing your tax, the real joy is working out how to spend that amazing wonderful bonus money that is your tax return. I suggest you throw some of those magic notes at beauty and body products that are going to make you look, feel and smell AH-MAZE-ING. You don't even have to leave your keyboard. See, I'm just like an accountant! Efficient.

My big dilemma is that I've decided to invest in a cult beauty item - because that is how my tax return is best partially spent. In smart investments. I can't decide WHICH of the NARS' The Multiple shades is for me. I do love pearly, cosmic Copacabana, but then there's the CULT factor of Orgasm. Do you have one? Do you recommend it? Alternatively, lipstick in Dominique is purple based and we know how I feel about purple...

For decadent, luscious packaging and scents, MOR is a classic. My sister was obsessed with Marshmallow (as are many judging by the endless ways you can have it: perfume, lip balm, lotion, wash...). I'm all about the garden-fresh scents of Blood Orange, Basil and Sencha Verbena Hand & Body Wash. The Blood Orange Perfume Oil comes in a roller ball that is perfectly sized for your top drawer at work or your gym bag (for $19.95 it's got your accountant smiling too!). I've had to do a serious bathroom cleaning session to make it look nearly chic enough to house the Basil Grape Hand & Body Lotion. A blessing. Each is under $20! Beauty on a budget. You're welcome!
Speaking of smelling heavenly and fresh, I am quite lazy so being able to spray my moisturiser on is totally ideal. And really, any excuse to go for a shop on Nourished Life! I just stocked up on ACURE marula and argan body oil spray in Citrus Ginger scent. So zesty.
As your accountant will tell you, it is smart to invest in cost-per-use or major investments every now and again. Considering I use this mask every second day and it leaves my skin super smooth and looking NOT like I just did two barre classes, I feel it meets the criteria. DNA Restoring Mask may not alter your actual DNA but it will make you glow. 
Now here is my dilemma. I can only choose one item on sale at Fresh Fragrances. Do I go with NARS The Multiple in some shade OR do I go with lipstick in Dominique? There's glow versus purple. OH THE DILEMMAS!

Classic Brand, Modern Skincare and Beauty on a Budget

I grew up with a nan totally dedicated to makeup and grooming (weekly cut and "set" with rollers and enough hairspray to freeze the whole of Seaford). She had a drawer full of Estee Lauder and Revlon lipsticks in various shades of pink and coral.
My mum would insist she's not fussed about makeup but a dressing table loaded with 20 shades of beige lipstick and every possible eyeshadow palette combination known to human kind would attest otherwise! 
So a love for makeup was in the genes. Skincare is the natural partner to makeup though. While I began using concealer and foundation to disguise pimples and redness as a teenager, it was only in my early 20s that I realised makeup is much more joyful as a form of expression and to highlight and emphasise great skin, bright eyes, and an angular face. 

With the advice of a very strict dermatologist (who insisted on Roaccutane to cure my teenage acne and she was right), I became used to washing, moisturising and duly applying Vaseline to avoid my lips cracking clear off my face.
I also learnt that "non comedogenic" means no blackheads and pore-clogging. This is good. I chose cleansers and moisturisers with the simplest of ingredients - no fancy scents and waxes or minerals. So it is with glee that I embrace the most budget friendly of skincare. Super glam and expensive products are a luxury and sometimes, entirely worth the expenditure for the amount of science and surveys they conduct. But nothing says "I WORK" like longetivity. So, forthwith, two brands that have been around for a looooong time and have been introduced by grandmothers to mothers to daughters and so on, and will be for decades to come.

Best of all, you don't need to hunt them out online or call a salon in advance to check on stock. They are two aisles down from the vegetables and laundry powder. For the price of a few coffees, you can have a daily skin ritual sorted for weeks or months.
Nivea and Vaseline have both had a modern makeover as far as packaging and digital presence, but their formulas have remained reassuringly simple and dependable. 
I swear by Vaseline petroleum jelly as a lip protector. It has so many uses though! A tattoo artist recommended using it to protect colour and clarity of my work for the two weeks after having work done. It can be blended with blush, eyeshadow, lip pigments to turn matte shades into gloss or to blend colours. It's a makeup artist staple! If you're dyeing your hair, it makes an excellent scalp protector. It's a couple of dollars. Go on.
As for Nivea - the packaging has had a major overhaul and the product range has expanded over the past few decades. My mother and sister are fanatical about the Q10 range. I like it, but my personal preference is the Pure & Natural range and also the Daily Essentials. I like that they're titled exactly as what they are. From scrubs to foams, milks to serums to sprays, pick what your preference is. Considering that they're a fraction of the cost of most skincare these days, you can afford to experiment!

Nivea originated in 1882 in Germany - not many brands can claim such a long life and many are too quick to jump onto novelty at the expense of sticking to the basics and doing them well. That said, the packaging design, product innovations and partnerships with celebrities and ambassadors who are relevant and iconic means Nivea has hardly been quiet on the marketing and modernity front. It was a total pleasure to indulge in a major Nivea haul this week. Here's what's taken pride of place in my bathroom cabinet and handbag:

Pure & Natural Soothing Day Cream: Formulated for dry and sensitive skin, this is ideal for those who are prone to spots and yet don't have an oily complexion. It's gentle and has a really subtle, calming scent. Must be the chamomile! 95% natural ingredients. No parabens and minerals.
In Shower Rich Body Lotion: Lazy girls rejoice! No need to shower AND moisturise. This is truly efficient. After washing as usual, apply this almond oil enriched lotion, quickly rinse and towel dry. Designed for very dry skin. Excellent remedy for winter scaliness.
Invisible Anti-Perspirant: For those of us who don't wish to raise our arms and display powdery marks all over our chic black gym gear. Or work wear - apparently there are people who don't wear sports gear all day too.
Soothing Cleaning Mousse: Again, dry and sensitive skin is catered for with a gentle formula designed not to leave you with alligator skin and redness. Ideal for multiple daily uses and should be followed with moisturiser.

Lip balm in Soft Rose and Vitamin Shake: Double duty lip balm! Gives a gentle rosy tint that says, I've just been skipping through the snowy alps after a facial and the Vitamin Shake because it sounds like a delicious smoothie but you can carry it around in your pocket or handbag day and night. No more crackly kissers for us.

If you're in Australia and you want to be the first to try new products, enter giveaways and receive free samples, you can sign up to be a MyNivea member free.

Retinol: blitz lines, blemishes and pigmentation

As I've told you a zillion times, I had terrible acne in my early teens and was on prescription Accutane (retinol or vitamin A) supplements to treat it. It worked. I have been absolutely strict about using skincare that genuinely works - without being aggressive and leaving skin damaged - ever since.
Many retinol products - or even products SAYING they have retinol in them! - are either really harsh and will leave the skin red, peeling or even dry and scaly, OR they have such a low concentration or ineffective formulation that you won't see any results at all.
Within weeks of use, you should notice that the skin has:

  • a smoother texture, 
  • definitely less blemishes; and 
  • softer lines. 
I have tried so many products and there are a few I would recommend. One is prescription and the others are available via salons and online.
Medik8 does an excellent range of retinol serums and balms. This brand comes with dermatologist, beautician and clinician recommendation. I recommend that you start with Retinol 3TR (0.3%) or 6TR if you don't regularly use retinol already. At the moment, I'm using Medik8 Retinol 10TR. This will be available via Skincare Store later this month in serum form, but you can still get the 10TR balm form. This is the HIGHEST STRENGTH vitamin A. In time-release formula, it hasn't aggravated my skin and I'm pretty sensitive so I'm actually surprised (and very happy.)

I see Dr Sara Mullen at the Victorian Cosmetic Institute every 6 months for a sprinkling of botox to the forehead and on my last visit, I asked if she would be interrogated on the benefits of retinol. Thankfully, she found time between being in heavy demand at work and doing the soccer run with the kids.

Why use retinol?
Topical retinoids, derivatives of  Vitamin A, were first used in patients who were being treated for acne. These patients reported smoother skin and less wrinkles after treatment, as well as having fewer blemishes. A study followed that showed patients who used topical retinoids demonstrated improvement in sunlight-induced epidermal atrophy (skin thinning), dysplasia (abnormal skin changes), and pigmentation. Overall, topical retinoids play a key role in reducing sun damage, preventing and reducing wrinkles and controlling acne.

Retinoids work by increasing the natural turnover rate of the skin. Therefore there are less dead skin cells at the surface of the skin and less blockages as a result. This property of retinoids also means that skin texture and fine wrinkles also improve.

What age would you recommend starting?
Early 30s

What strength retinol is appropriate?
4% retinol is ideal but patients may need time to work up to this dose.

How often should you use it?
Starting slowly is important to reduce side effects.  It is recommended that it be used only twice a week in the first 2 weeks, then alternative nights for the next 2 weeks, then every night. Sunscreen is also imperative with the use of retinoids as they can initially increase sun sensitivity.

Is flaking, peeling and redness a sign of a problem?
The downside of retinoids is the possibility of causing a response known as retinoic dermatitis. Skin can appear red, flaky, lumpy, and irritated for up to one month after commencement of retinoids. If redness and irritation occurs, frequency should be reduced. Some patients cannot use retinoids every night. Dryness or flakiness alone is OK and will settle within 2 months so patients should persevere.

How long do you need to use retinol products before you see a difference?
You can start to see a difference in the skin as early as 3 months of use.

What conditions would prevent someone from safely using retinol?
Retinoids should not be used in pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, or those planning to be pregnant. Also patients with a history of facial eczema or moderate to severe rosacea due to the higher risk of irritation.

Isa Brito - Brooklyn via Brazil: Handmade Herbal Skincare

Isa Brito is a photographer, herbalist and skin guru.

I first spotted her skincare line in a US magazine and when I went to do some research, I discovered photos that prove her skin is flawless. The beauty of natural products and Brazilian heritage!

Isa grew up in Minas Gerais Brazil, on a self sustained farm owned by her family.
Like so many brave and artistic souls before and after, Isa moved to New York in 1984 with barely any money or contacts. Not only did she build the photography collection that was exhibited as "Passengers"  but she also established Isa's Restoratives. This is an all natural, herbal and plant based beauty line that has a cult following in the US.
I also love that Isa is a music fiend - we are both digging The Weeknd and she's also a fan of James Blake, Blood Orange, Chilly Gonzales and Warpaint.
Determined that if I cannot buy Brazilian genes, I can at least invest in the skincare products and regime that Isa swears by. Mind you, she is also dedicated to eating organic, plant-based meals that are rich in antioxidants and quality protein. A balanced, plant-rich diet and high quality, natural products go a long way to giving you the glow. in all my email deletes i've freakin deleted isa brito! GODDAMN!
I absolutely love the Liquid Clay Cleanser - a blend of volcanic ash clay, french green clay, green tea, lavender and papaya enzymes has a cooling effect on the skin.
The blue beauty balm is a must too - honestly, I woke up with seriously glowing skin and in this humid, typical Melbourne weather and disrupted sleep, that's a miracle.
The Coconut Charcoal Face Mask draws out all the nasties while also nourishing with mineral, enzyme and natural oils of coconut. So hydrating and detoxifying. I totally recommend this on a Friday night or a Sunday night when you have to say goodbye to the day, the week, and start afresh.
I am double-timing that mask though! I am also adoring the Matcha Mask. As a matcha green tea drinker, I have experienced the desire to smear all that green, vitamin-infused goodness over my face. Now I can.
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Superfoods for Super Skin

Every morning I make my green smoothie with green superfoods powder. Now I have a new routine also - detox for my face with a grainy cleanser full of vitamins and green goodness! I am loving Australian brand Sukin Super Greens facial scrub. Full of the goodness of kale, spirulina, chlorella and parsley and trust me, it smells gorgeously sweet and not horribly "healthfoody" at all.
Just to be sure I am absolutely super, I followo up with super green detoxifying Facial Recovery Serum - again full of goodness.
Did I mention Australian owned and made? Go team.
sukin is available at Priceline

A new label is the reason this brand caught my eye - while 7th Heaven is a new name, this is actually the renewal and rebirth of a long lived skincare brand. It is bigger, better and bolder than ever so I had to stock up on a few "weekly indulgence" facial masks. Particular formulas for particular concerns. Manuka honey is great for hydration, healing and moisturising. Berries are great for reinvigorating the skin and senses and there's also strawberry, apricot and tropical flavours. Totally recommend you spend the spare change on it - very budget friendly!
7th Heaven is available at Target and Woolworths

Organic, Natural Skincare and Ingredients that Cleanse and Nourish Skin

If I told you to stock up on chia seeds, blueberries, acai berries, papaya, pink grapefruit, you'd think I was giving you a list for the kitchen.
In fact, I'm giving you the essential nutrient rich ingredients for a skin regime that will bolster your natural cell turnover, collagen levels and give you a radiant complexion.

As a teenager, I had to courses of Accutane because of vicious acne. I am so careful and fussy about WHAT I use on my skin and having a routine. Every morning, my first move is to cleanse and if I've got time, apply a masque (Dermalogica Power Recovery is unbeatable). Drink coffee, remove masque. Toner (Kiehl's Cucumber Herbal Toner is alcohol free so non drying).
Then the makeup, of course!
In the evening, same deal but I might exfoliate instead of the masque to make sure every speck of makeup and dust is out, out, out! I apply body moisturiser (wake up smelling like a blueberry smoothie AND shimmering!) before bed and also Eminence Pink Grapefruit serum to blitz any spots! I also use overnight repair time to apply a rich moisturiser OR a peel depending on whether my skin is dry or there's a spot developing. So it's either Eminence Firm Skin Acai Moisturiser or Kiehl's Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturising Serum.

I recognise that Eminence and Kiehl's are not budget buys - they're skinvestment purchases. So, if you're more dash than cash right now, there is an awesome range called Goodness out newly that is all about chia seeds! These babies are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and natural certified organic goodness for your skin. There's a whole range, but I'm loving the cleanser and moisturiser.

These are the particular products I use, but there's a mega range of all natural serums, cleansers, masques and more that will suit your particular needs...check out:
Eminence Organics, Kiehl's and Goodness.