Hair And Scalp Health: Preventing thinning, Repairing Damage. The Tried & Tested Products

hair health scalp health coloured hair damage repair

I've always had a wild mane of LOTS of hair, but it's quite thin and prone to breakage. I'm also prone to an itchy, irritated scalp. Training daily, putting my head on foreign yoga mats and a habit of touching and playing with my hair all make it much worse!

There's a zillion and two hair brands and products all on the shelves right now that claim to treat dandruff, soothe a sensitive scalp, make hair grow longer, halt thinning and more. But how many of them are legit? I can't honestly answer, because I don't have the time or funds to trial a zillion and two things. But I do try a lot of hair products and I only stick with what I genuinely find works for my hair. I have naturally red-brown brunette hair, curly and dry. It's a pain in the butt to style and I insist on dyeing it all the colours (that's my latest "do" below) so it's even more in need of conditioning treatments and care than most.


For the past year, I've been taking Viviscal supplements daily. I tend to notice a much greater impact on my nails than my hair, but I have certainly noticed considerably less split ends and the strands appear to be a little thicker than before. Jennifer Aniston swears by it and it has multiple clinical trials to back up its effectiveness so it certainly can't do any harm to try it.


healthy hair diet plant based
The key to a healthy hair and scalp is much more internal than external. In addition to any supplements, you need to ensure you're consuming adequate quality proteins like beans, legumes, tofu and tempeh if you're vegan or organic beef, fish and eggs if you're not. A rainbow of vegetables and fruits, plus B vitamin rich carbs will also feed your hair, scalp and skin generally.

I eat a super colourful, varied vegan diet with plenty of healthy fats and proteins (tempeh, tofu and veggie burgers plus a vegan protein powder in my smoothies). I have also been washing my hair every 3 to 4 days because too often strips the hair of its natural oils and leaves it damaged and prone to further breakage. I also try to leave it out when I'm not training so that I don't pull it at the roots constantly (traction damage).


There's four brands I recommend and their particular ranges that work for my hair. I tried each for several weeks to be sure I saw measured improvement in my hair. The products you don't see listed made a lot of promises and yet, they left my hair greasy, or my scalp was itchy a day later, or they stripped my hair of any moisture and left it brittle. Here's the gold medallists.

alfaparf hair scalp hair growth reconstruction

Alfaparf Milano Reconstruction Range

The whole goal of the Reconstruction range was to protect hair against environmental damage, including pollution and harsh styling regimes. It's perfect for my hair because it also enhances coloured hair and prevents fading. The whole range is formulated with bamboo marrow to strengthen the hair fiber. I won't lie - the deep marine green colour is super chic and displaying it on my bathroom shelf makes me happy. Thankfully it also smells divine and actually leaves my hair really smooth and shiny. It's much easier to dry and straighten and so far, my purple and pink colour has stayed strong. I use the shampoo followed by the masque and one ampoule of the treatment every week. I also use the leave-in serum after styling.
Find the range here.

After using the shampoo and hair mask, my bright purple colour was exactly as bright as it was on the first day. My hair dried smooth and soft too, as opposed to the Kramer-like fuzz I sometimes deal with.

green people vegan organic haircare cruelty free

Green People Organic Irritated Scalp Range

Quinoa in my shampoo? Sure. If Green People says it's the way to go, I'm all for it. It makes sense. It's rich in protein, vitamins and minerals which are all elements the hair needs. I swear by the Irritated Scalp Shampoo and Conditioner. They're certified organic, vegan and cruelty free. Lavender and rosemary naturally soothe an itchy scalp and there's no toxic scents or preservatives. It's perfect for adults but also really good for kids, especially if typical hair products cause scalp irritation or itchiness.

Less Is More organic haircare scalp protein natural hair

Less Is More (Organic and Natural)

Just like Green People, Less Is More is all about a natural, gentle approach to scalp and hair care. The products are all organic, with gorgeous minimal packaging. The big selling point, apart from how genuinely good they are for my hair, is how divine the scents are! I use Chitinspray daily - it smells like a citrus garden with hints of rose and aloe vera. Totally heavenly. Flower Whip is a mix of orange, rose, ylang ylang and aloe - a styling cream that I work into my hair when it's wet and just leave to dry. Perfect for warmer weather. The Herbal Tonic and Protein Spray are ideal for both soothing my scalp and the Protein Spray in particular for after I've had my hair bleached and coloured. 

Winter Wellbeing: Body, Hair & Face

As you know - or will come to know - I get excited at anything that sparkles, glows, emanates colour, smells beautiful, looks amazing... whether it's eyeshadow, yoga pants, organic coconut oil, if it's divinely presented and a joy to use, I'm all for it.

Now that Winter Is Here, it's time to ease up on the self tanning if you're so inclined and instead to slather on moisturiser under your socks and sleeves. If, like me, heavily over heated rooms and shops really play havoc with your sinuses, I totally recommend Xlear. I discovered it at a health foods store but it's also in Priceline and other pharmacies. No steroids, no nasties, all natural and it clears up and moisturises at the same time. Alternatively, saline spray might be your best friend.

Life is short, and you only get one, so use all the good things and indulge yourself in beauty and wellness rituals that revive your body and your spirit. Sometimes it's the tiniest luxuries that remind you there are simple joys to be had every single day.

Eminence Coconut Body Firming Lotion is a richly scented, creamy lotion that is perfect for winter. Rather than disguising your scaly little limbs under full length leggings all winter, get out of your steamy shower and smear this all over. Then go forth into your day or night, knowing you are channelling some tropical summer vibes of your own.

I've just had my hair lightened to a very pale blonde ombre at the ends so it is super sensitive and dry. Because I refuse to give up on sleek, smooth and straight, I have to do all the things. Here's my advice regardless of whether you have coloured hair or not:
  • Use a heat-protection spray or leave-in product
  • Don't use the same old straightening irons you've been using for years (they're too hot!)
  • Invest in quality hair care and high tech stylers if you use them regularly (I have recently discovered 100% Australian EVY iQ styler. Never going back - this is the best!)
  • Wash twice a week and use a masque once a fortnight or more often if needed

Blonde - the magazine

I'm in the midst of my blonde ombre transformation via hairdresser extraordinaire, Mariah at Hairhouse Warehouse. My barre and yoga classes have been lucky enough to see the various stages of yellowness on the way to being a clean blonde. I'm definitely keeping my dark roots though - this is how this look becomes sustainable without constant bleaching and maintenance. Even when my hair has grown out in a few years, I'll still have super light ends. To maintain, lots of hair masks and definitely use a purple-based shampoo and conditioner (Redken Blonde Idol) to avoid brassiness from pollution and tap water. I imagined up the magazine I'd want to read for inspo. What do you think? Could it be the new Vogue?
platinum blonde ombre
platinum blonde ombre
platinum blonde ombre

Goodness From Goop : Gwyneth, Guts, and Clean Beauty

Look, let's not live in dreamland. Goop has gotten a lot of hate over its lifetime and I am the most sceptical of all about celebrities touting wellness brands and books. In fact, I believe there are several lines across my forehead that are totally down to grimacing with every new celebrity "how to be well" glossy hardback. BUT.

Goop Clean Beauty (Hachette Australia, Hardback RRP $45; eBook RRP $19.99) really is full of good, substantive advice and knowledge. Gwyneth hasn't written some "drink juice for 20 days, do yoga and you'll look like me!" style tome. Thank goodness. It's actually wry, real and it asks the leading experts in the fields of dermatology, dietetics and digestive health, fitness training, yoga and beauty manufacturing for their opinions and real life advice. Of course, the photos are fabulous. It's a good looking book, but let's face it, you don't buy a book on beauty if you don't value good looks, right?

What I also love about this book is that it doesn't have a holier-than-thou approach to all aspects of beauty. We all want to look and feel as great as we can. That means we can eat an abundance of organic foods and use only all-natural beauty products but we can also accept that age inevitably means a loss of fullness and wrinkles. Some people embrace this fully and accept it. Some of us think we wouldn't mind using the beauty of science and technology to do some plumping and freezing IN MODERATION for a natural lifting effect. The book goes through these options - including Botox, fillers, thread lifts, plasma and stem cell injections and so on. There is a no-judgement approach. I like that. There is an emphasis on being careful in selecting a practitioner and in starting small and maintaining your natural appearance only improved rather than going for a dramatic overhaul. Wise.
gwyneth paltrow tracy anderson

Here's some quick, simple "I Can Do That!" inspiration from the editors of goop.

A detox of your life does not mean you need to rule out everything that gives you some joy. It is not an abstinence regime that is only bearable for a week before you throw yourself into a weeping, wailing despair that can only be healed with organic dark chocolate and cacao smoothies. A detox rules out the most likely culprits for inflammation of the gut - which is most likely the origin of other health and beauty concerns from acne to mood swings to poor sleep, bloating, sensitive sinuses and hair thinning or loss. Here are the rules of Clean Eating according to Dr Alejandro Junger and it is recommended you follow for at least 10 days. After that time, try introducing what you really want to back to your life gradually to see if it may be the cause of mood, skin, hair or digestive problems.

No alcohol
No caffeine
No dairy
No eggs
No beef or pork
No raw fish or shellfish
No gluten
No soy
No nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers/capsicum)
No strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, grapes or bananas
No corn
No white rice
No added sugar
No peanuts (all other nuts totally fine!)
No processed oils or butters (stick to nut-based oils and coconut oil)

Before you have a breakdown thinking you'll need to eat apples and kale for 10 days, there's pages and pages of delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner meals and they are all simple, doable and delish.

After you've committed to 10 days minimum of avoiding common inflammatory foods, here's some of the other recommended detox tips and consider this, the body DOES have natural detoxifying tools in the liver and kidney but any way you can optimise their functioning and decrease the amount of pollution internally and externally, the greater energy your body can devote to absorbing the good nutrients you're filling it with and to fuelling your brain, skin, muscles, hair and nervous system. Nobody is toxin free - it's a matter of how well we can manage our own system of detoxifying to feel, look and live as purely and well as possible.

Yup, get yourself into an infrared sauna and sweat it out. This is a highly effective means of sweating out heavy metals as well as providing benefits in alleviating arthritis, musculoskeletal ailments and increasing endorphins (feel good hormones). Wheher it's 10 or 30 minutes, try to get into a regular practice. A regular sauna will do.

Moving fluid through the lymphatic system supports the immune system by filtering out toxins and avoiding retention and lethargy. Exercise also boosts happy hormones, enables us to challenge ourselves physically and mentally, provides an opportunity to do something healthy and fun with people we know or to make new friends. Weight-bearing exercise also builds bones, muscle and enables our bodies o function healthier well into old age.

Calm the mind. Bring yourself into the present. Find a sense of peace that isn't dependent on anyone or anything external.

Get On A Foam Roller.
Get your fascia flexible. Many instructors and personal trainers I know swear by the foam roller as a regular part of their fitness routine. Sure, it can be deeply uncomfortable, especially if you have a tendency towards really tight muscles or you rarely stretch. It's entirely worth it. It is vital to stretch, lengthen and release tightness in the muscles to avoid that tension becoming habitual or loading the joints because the muscles that should be doing the work are too fatigued, overworked or dysfunctional to do their job. Hit up google and youtube - there's loads of guidance online as to how to use a roller.

Everyone knows this - just as you have a routine for beauty, fitness, travelling to and from work daily, so you must have a routine for sleep. Switch off social media at least an hour before bed and if you are panicking over something, write it down and know you can deal with it in the morning.

Try Yoga Nidra.
"Psychic sleep" is an ancient practice that deeply restores, relaxes and rejuvenates the body. It is a guided relaxation wherein you don't actually sleep as the mind is still active, but the body completely melts into blissful quiet. Try downloading Kirit Thacker, head of yoga at Ananda Ayurvedic spa in India.
Also try Elena Brouwer's 10 minute version from Yoga Journal.

Head & Shoulders: Dandruff Causes and Treatment

Just like drinking milk from the carton or wearing your pyjama pants to the supermarket, dandruff is one of those things we just don’t like to fess up to. Fortunately, aisles full of treatments and targeted products suggest it’s a common malaise though!
In working at gyms, studios and various locations where I put my hands all over weights, yoga mats, fitness equipment of all descriptions and so on, I know I’m coming into contact with all sorts of possible allergens, sweat, body oils and bacteria. This is going to be something many people face in their daily life – whether through work or leisure choices. This relentless bacteria onslaught can put the immune system under stress to battle and react daily. Ultimately, an imbalanced and exhausted immune system will start sending signals that it’s struggling. A sensitised, itchy and dandruff-prone scalp is one of those warning signs.

Ultimately, you must take a holistic approach to ensure that any treatment is long-lasting. That means identifying ways you can strengthen your immune system with lifestyle choices as well as topical treatments (targeted shampoo and conditioner). From the foods you eat, to the amount and quality of sleep you get, to your exercise and creative endeavours... choose an approach that makes you FEEL good so that your body has the energy and the strength to function optimally.
Getting plenty of vitamin rich veggies and fruit, protein-rich grains, pulses, milk, eggs and fish are excellent ways to bolster energy. Don’t rule out any food group unless you have a legitimate allergy. Avoid ruling out whole food groups and remember also that the way you FEEL about what you’re eating affects the way you digest. So if you’re going to eat half a pack of Tim Tams, EMBRACE the chocolate goodness and do it with joy.
I’ve tried a few dandruff treatment shampoos and conditioners and found that many of them are really harsh and leave my hair super dry. Thankfully, Head & Shoulders has a new (very budget-friendly!) range out that is designed for everyday use so much gentler on the scalp and hair. This is down to a pH formula that is effective in treating dandruff deep in the roots without upsetting the natural balance of oils. Head & Shoulders Clean & Balanced 3ActionFormula Shampoo and Conditioner is my secret weapon and  as a dark-haired damsel, I am in need of all the fortification I can get!
I was revisiting some articles I contributed to on yoga for beauty and health on BeautyHeaven and came across the recommendation for Head & Shoulders. You can read reviews on their site.

Post sponsored by Head & Shoulders. Product genuinely used, reviewed and promoted with integrity. 

Stress + Surgery + Scalp and Thinning Hair

I noticed in the months after my hip surgery in September 2014 that my hair was splitting at the ends and felt less full than ever. I've never been Kim Kardashian in the hair department - don't get me wrong - because having naturally wavy, curly hair means inevitably frizz and dryness are two concepts I know well.
Scalp specialists and hair professionals both attest that stress, trauma and environment are key factors in the condition of the hair and scalp. Using chemical-laden products and heat styling only make a bad situation a zillion times worse.
The stress of knowing I would be out of work and also worried I might never do the more flexible yoga poses or the fully weighted squats I love built in the weeks leading up to surgery (I had planned it a year in advance). During recovery there was the stress of finding a new home, arranging to move, seeing family I don't normally see and having to accustom myself to crutches.
It's been almost a year and a half now and I am doing plenty of squats (heavier than before) and plenty of yoga poses (better than ever). My hair has still not fully recovered though. I have a plan of action, of course.
I will be setting aside the usual shampoo and conditioner and using non-toxic, 100% organic Rahua shampoo ($42.95 at Nourished Life) and conditioner ($43.95 at Nourished Life). I will also be avoiding over-use of the straighteners. That's going to be tough but I am determined!
I've also invested in six months of Maximum Strength Viviscal supplements ($179 for 3 month supply). Now, I am sceptical of supplements but I also know I see much clearer skin and have better energy when I take Fish Oil capsules and I have also noticed much more stable energy levels and better digestion when I take probiotics.
Viviscal regularly does clinical trials and have dermatologist approval and advocacy. There's nothing toxic or completely alien in their ingredients either. Based on marine extracts, the supplement is actually inspired by the Inuits - apparently they have richly luscious thick hair as a result of their fish and seafood based diets. So. Bring on the Viviscal maximum strength supplements daily, non-toxic hair products and a major serve of lobster. Stat.

Gym Bag Essentials for Summer

Hello Sun - nice to have you back in Melbourne at full freakin' strength.
Time to rejig the skincare, food and drink choices, makeup and gymwear options. Yes, full length tights aren't always suitable for more humid weather. And heavier, warm foods aren't always conducive to a comfortable sleep on humid, hot nights.
So pour yourself a cold brewed coffee (super strong plunger coffee left in the fridge overnight? Ideal morning greeting!) and add these summer staples to your own gym bag. If it makes you feel good about working out and looking after yourself, it's an investment in your wellbeing and maintaining healthy, body happy habits!

Om Shanti Clothing Power Capri in Fractal Spiral Cleft and Yoga Heart Crop Top are ideal summer yoga, pilates, barre, dance and gym fashion. I have tried and tested this brand in hot yoga, outdoor yoga, barre, weights and cardio sessions and also hardcore supermarket workouts (stretch, grab, lift and squat!). Functional AND fashionable.
The Little Alchemist Pineapple & Zeolite Micropolish is cruelty free, natural, certified organic and 100% Australian made. And it smells like a tropical cocktail! You'll be counting down the workout seconds until you can hit the shower and polish up.
The Little Alchemist Cacao & Cardamom Body Serum combines acai and goji berries, wheatgrass, chocolatey cacao and spicy cardamom to nourish your skin with all natural, certified organic ingredients. You'll smell like a fruity dream as you float from the steamy studio to your coffee date.
Medik8 CE Tetra (from Facial Co) is a high quality, concentrated vitamin C serum that will last for ages. You only need to apply a few drops to your face, wait a minute, then apply your skincare and makeup. Vitamin C retexturises and brightens the complexion. It fights acne, blemishes and protects against environmental damage. I apply it ritually morning and night!
Maybelline Fit Me Dewy + Smooth Foundation with SPF 18 sunscreen. Affordable, non comedogenic, hydrates skin and comes in so many tones, you will definitely find a perfect match. I'm 220 Natural Beige. If you're less about a liquid foundation, try...
Maybelline Fit Me Stick Foundation with SPF 15 sunscreen (I'm 130 Buff Beige) which is perfect for spot-prone skin because it's:

  • oil free
  • natural and matte (no shiny face!)
  • easy to keep subtle or build for fuller coverage
W3LL People Bio Brightener is an all natural, cruelty free illuminating stick. The creamy formula is lightweight and easy to apply quickly and effortlessly. You could keep it in your handbag or the glovebox for touch-ups! Try applying it under the outer edge of your eyebrows, on the height of the cheekbones, and a dab on the cupid's bow. The spots where the light naturally hits your skin. I also adore the W3LL People Bio Bronzer. Again, this is a creamy formula that you can draw on (I feel like Tank Girl!) then blend with your fingers, a sponge, or a brush. With extracts of aloe, green tea and chamomile, you're nourishing your skin as well as looking gorgeous. Both available at Beautiful Because (all about natural beauty products).
KMS Tame Frizz De-Frizz Oil is lightweight, non greasy and creates a barrier to prevent humidity attacking your perfect #gymhair #ballet topknot! Use on wet hair OR dry hair. 
VS Sassoon Straight & Curl is cheaper than some of the hair styling tools out there, and having used it for several months now, I would entirely recommend it for straightening AND creating curls. I especially love that you can adjust the heat settings so that if you have thinner strands, you're not blasting them with full bore heat, whereas coarser hair might require a bit more oomph. Plus the same tool gives you dead straight style or gorgeous mermaid waves and curls. BONUS! By buying from the VS Sassoon The Power of Pink collection, you're supporting VS Sassoon in donating to Breast Cancer Network Australia.

Braids, Buns & Twists at the Barre

We're off the barre! Or the bar.
Really, you can wear your hair in buns, braids, intricate plaits and twists either to the gym, yoga studio or bar. Or the office. A waterfall plait says "I'm creative but I am in control here. Don't mess with me!"
I am loving this book by Christina Butcher, Braids, Buns and Twists! Step-by-step tutorials for 82 fabulous hairstyles
I discovered it on a Google hunt, naturally.

 I also discovered Power Yoga For Athletes that gives pictures and instruction on 100 poses that are intended to improve sporting performance. It can be difficult to gain the confidence to go to a yoga class for the first time, especially when you are skilled in a particular sport and you have to face being a beginner BUT starting out with a book and streaming online classes is a great introduction. Author, Sean Vigue is a skilled and notable pilates and yoga instructor who also runs online classes and writes for various yoga and pilates journals.

Hair Makeover - Ombre, Colour Investment Advice and Photos!

 I love a hair makeover – new colour, new cut – to signal the end or the start of something. I just finished up a work contract and I’m approaching more teaching, which I love. Rather than a new Porsche or a trip to Ibiza, I invested in my hair instead.
From dark brown with a bit of copper through the ends, I went ombre – or lighter at the ends with balayage technique. Because red is like a clingy boyfriend you just CAN’T GET RID OF, it took two appointments to tone up the light ends and get rid of the redness. Because hair appointments aren’t cheap and there’s so many options, I want to drill down to some haircare basics that will see your colour last and hopefully you can also see a big improvement in strength and softness.
   Olaplex: I had this treatment in-salon and also have the at-home conditioning treatment. It is a new system designed to protect colour, strengthen strands that have been highly processed, and create softness and shine. I definitely notice my hair feels softer and easier to style after I’ve used it. It’s early days still!

2.  Protein, silica and vitamins: Your hair is made up
of keratin protein. Just like your skin, muscle and nails it requires protein and essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to build and maintain lustre and strength. I eat lots of lean protein in the form of meat and fish, as well as taking a supergreens supplement every day for multivitamins and I also take a daily silica supplement. I definitely notice my nails get longer when I’m taking silica. By the way, the Q Silica spot gel is freaking amazing. If I need a spot gone overnight, it’s my new go-to.

3. Colour and damaged hair specific products: Depending on the shade of your hair, you may need a blue or red-based toner to maintain the colour.  I use the L’Oreal Vitamino range of shampoo, conditioner and also a new CC cream. Yes, CC cream for the hair! It is Color Corrector which means it ensures the integrity of your colour – no brassiness creeps in. Especially necessary if you are a swimming pool user...chlorine is NOT your friend. The range is available in salons, online or at Hairhouse Warehouse 

4. Non-damaging styling products: Remember the scrunchie? I learned how to sew them and use to pump out neon coloured scrunchies while watching Beverly Hills 90210. The following are absolutely mandatory for being gentle on fragile, post-colour hair.
  • Brushology Detangling Comb
  • Black Mini Scrunchies
  • Bobby Pins in Travel Case

fit girl hairspiration!

My go-to is the top knot and I will stick by it! I also love a high ponytail and waves. Now that everyone in your cafe and local organic produce store is in their yoga leggings and compression tank top, you really need to master hair that goes from crossfit to cafe.
I just upgraded from the ghd styler to the Cloud Nine Touch and it is the best straightening/wave making tool I've used. I've used a lot. It was the tool of choice at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia (MBFWA) and it had been recommended to me by friends and hairdressers.

Love it. Totally recommend it. What you REALLY need to know is it's automatic.

It switches off automatically after 30 seconds of no use! Great for absent minded girls!

It straightens, waves and does fringe smoothing in seconds.

It is temperature controlled with 2 settings.

Available at Cloud Nine Australia. Follow their YouTube for how-to videos.

Healthy Hair, Head and Scalp

So - admission. For the past month or so I've had an itchy scalp and the dreaded D word: dandruff. I know I'm far from alone! In fact, it's pretty common for sporty or active types because sweating into your hair doesn't make for a healthy scalp and using dry shampoo instead of washing doesn't improve the situation.
I tackled the issue on 3 fronts:

  1. Diet and lifestyle
  2. Hair Products
  3. Styling Habits and Utensils


A healthy scalp means the skin and hair follicles are not clogged with product, there is adequate protein in your diet and the vitamins and minerals required to nourish healthy skin in general. Biotin, silica, vitamin B and D are all Healthy Scalp and Hair elements. Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. The typical mediterranean diet, rich in fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains and healthy fats rather than heavy on white carbohydrates and convenience foods is your best option, but also consider a supplement like Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails 

As for other lifestyle factors? Stress and lack of sleep will impact every aspect of your body, from increasing the likelihood of injuries to sallow skin, moodiness and...bad hair. Rather than get even MORE stressed about it, look at what you can change. Could you reduce some of the activities you feel obliged to do? Could you ask colleagues for assistance? Could you do a yoga class instead of working through your lunchbreak? Could you swap your 3pm jelly bean frenzy for a power walk to the nearest juice bar and get a berry smoothie instead? (Or make a batch at home and take it to work!)


I have just discovered a new range of Australian Made products.
I wanted no nasties (formaldehyde, sulphates,parabens, etc) and salon-quality results. What is especially exciting is it's AUSTRALIAN! So, go local! bhave uses raw natural bioactive keratin extracted from New Zealand sheep wool that is rich in amino acids and proteins to nourish the scalp and hair. Essentially, this binds to damage and rebuilds strength and elasticity.
Here's what you need to know:

  • Australian Owned
  • Not Tested On Animals
  • No Parabens, Sulphates, Sodium Chloride
  • Certified Organic Ingredients
  • Proven Results

I'm using the damage control rescue shampoo and conditioner as well as the scalp shampoo and since the FIRST WASH, no dandruff and no itching! It's specifically designed to control irritation and the non-toxic formulation is rich in naturally active ingredients to rebalance the scalp environment.
I'm also using the macadamia-oil enriched leave-in creme, fresh ends and riot control oil. It's called "riot control" for frizzy hair. What more could you ask for?

Find your nearest salon and read more on their Website.

Also check them out on


I was saying to my Carlton class just a few days ago, I used to idolise the sleek, straight, raven black bob of a newsreader on TV as a child. I was certain that I would grow up and no longer have wild, curly, coppery brown tresses but a sleek, chic bob with a fringe. A perfectly straight, no-nonsense fringe. That is still my dream. So, of course, I am a straightener addict.

When the dandruff and irritation really started impacting on my sleep, I looked hard at both the products I'm using and the fact I've got an ancient hairdryer that only blasts super-hot air and is well beyond it's use-by. So I found a kickass replacement that is SUPER AFFORDABLE! For under $30, I found the Remington Styling Pro 2150 that has:

  • Air Curler & Waver attachment
  • 2150 watt Hair Dryer
  • 6 switch combinations: 3 heat/2 speed
  • Cool Shot to set style when you're done!

You can buy it at Harvey Norman for $27 (AU).

As for my straightener, it's still good for action and I use the salon-approved ghd. My pick is the ghd IV Styler (free delivery if you order on the ghd site!)