Gym Germ Free!

Yes, this is a post about doing your gym time without germs.

I'm not talking about the big ape who thunks into you on his way past - ugh. That sort of germ can't be fixed with mere hand sanitiser, but let us start with the icky things we CAN avoid! From the mats that hundreds of sweaty backs and thighs have laid on before you, to the weights that hundreds of sweaty, snotty, greasy hands have gripped and bars, kettlebells, handles, magazines, cables and ropes that are layered with other peoples' bodily fluids...well, if you're into your hygiene, you'll want to arm yourself. This is a battlefield.
I know the gym is not for everyone but even in your fancy yoga, barre, pilates studio, you're still sharing equipment and door handles with your fellow sweaty yoginis. I'm not saying you need to wear white gloves and a face mask, but there is a very simple way to keep it clean to avoid sharing too many germs with your fellow exercisers!
If gyms and studios are alien to you, you'll still want these germ-blasters in the office, creche, kitchen or car.
Many sanitising lotions, gels and sprays are loaded with nasty skin-drying chemicals that break your nails and leave your fingers looking red raw and sensitised. Don't do it! There are fab natural-ingredient rich products that will blast germs and bacteria while smelling lovely and nurturing your skin. Here's your guide.

Good Things Total Wipe Out Raspberry & Cranberry cleansing wipes are free from parabens, sodium laureth sulphane, mineral oils and no animal testing. They are also biodegradable. Tick, tick and tick! Available at Target.

Natralus Instant Surface Sanitiser and Instant Hand Sanitiser are both mini spray bottles that tuck into your pocket or sit in your car  glovebox ready for action. They are skin friendly and no nasties! They kill odours AND 99.99% of germs in 10 seconds. Get it here!