Heave Ho to Winter Woe

 Little to no sunshine, freezing nights and mornings, all-day heating and a desire for heavy foods. Winter is not doing your body any favours and it will show in your digestion, your mood and your skin. Here's my advice on how you can protect your body, your skin and your hair from environmental ravages!
Update your skincare - oils are perfect for this season (and beyond...)
I can swear by these products for nurturing and being gentle on sensitive skin; improving the texture and clarity; buffering your skin against harsh heating and freezing mornings and nights!
Winter Skin and Body
Update your routine
  • Start your day with hot water and the juice of a lemon: kick stars the digestion and gives you an immunity-boosting dose of vitamin C!
  • Make your belly smile with a warm breakfast like oats with a sprinkling of nuts and a big dollop of natural yoghurt for long-lasting energy and satiety
  • Invest in a Vitamin D supplement: this is an essential element in calcium absorbtion, mood and hormone regulation. You can have your Vitamin D levels tested - ask your doctor.Coffee: yes, really. Because if you love it and I advise you not to have it you will want it. A lot. So, try to keep it to 2 daily and before 1pm so that you don't end up undersleeping or using it as a mid-afternoon prop. Don't drink instant - not only is it full of chemicals, but it tastes like bitter twig-juice.
  • Make a batch of healthy, thick soup and take the leftovers to work. Include as many colours of vegetable as possible, barley and lentils and whatever meat you prefer, IF you prefer!