Scholl Be Right!

The issue of hygiene in the gym and studio is confronting when you end up getting a nasty case of athlete's foot. Those shared yoga mats really should be cleaned but I have been to countless gyms and studios where they get stepped and lunged and sweated all over and then thrown in a heap.
So, a little request please. Consider a trek to the supermarket to pick up a Hard Skin Remover, Anti-Perspirant for the feet and...if you need, Anti-Fungal treatment. I can personally recommend Scholl's but if you are going to get a pedicure at a salon, choose a VERY VERY clean and sterile one!

BEFORE Gym Time is Pedicure Time!

All Black Yoga Wear Edit

You know I freakin' obsess over Onzie! So for my upcoming trip to Barcelona and Paris, I want to look Euro Chic in all black everything. I also want to be ready for yoga and barre at the flip of a Euro coin! I don't want to look like a sweaty mess on the Saint Germain though. Black. Mesh. Print. Dots. This is the All Black Edit.

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  • Black mesh, black magic print and the tri coloured black, silver and futura print leggings are all in my suitcase. I plan on doing yoga, barre and whatever other fun fitness classes Parisian and Spanish girls are loving. That's between trekking the beautiful streets of Saint Germain, Barcelona and stretching my pins while watching the countryside from the train from Barcelona to Paris mid-May. A girl has to invest in her fitness gear. You know it. I've even been super prepared by buying black sneakers to match  my outfit. It was necessary! The second pair? Well, that was just fun. Stay tuned for photos.