Fighting the "Hip Drop"

Know what is driving me up the wall? I really like walking mindfully - thinking about just "heel, ball, toe..." and thinking about engaging pelvic floor, standing calms me. It helps me focus.
At the moment, I'm walking with a pronounced limp and while I know it's noticeable (thankyou for pointing it out people - yes, I have a LIMP...mind your own business!) that doesn't bother me as much as the idea that I'm teaching my body to continue it.

I also think I need to be a little gentler on myself. However. I have found an exercise to improve my hip and pelvic strength. I intend to try it today - not too many, just to see how it feels. I will also be calling the physio centre at the rehabilitation hospital I attended to ask their feedback on what I should be expecting at this point and whether this is a safe move for me. So, while I'll be trying this, I DO suggest you talk to your physio and check this is safe for you if you have any sort of hip complaint.
Pelvic Drop Exercise
From Physiotherapy site