Cat Woods

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Pattern Princess

Yes, my addiction knows no bounds. Sally has suggested taking me along to Leggings Anonymous.
My first thought is, I wonder if they can recommend even MORE amazing places for yoga and gym wear that rocks?
Here are my favourite activewear pieces - it's cold outside, time to brighten up.
Onzie 'skulls' tights, G-loves Pink Camo gloves, Mika Yogawear 'Mia' capris, Under Armour 'Fly-By' capris, Cotton On Body 'leopard' capris.

Really must emphasise how much I'm loving the G-Loves gloves. "Lift and Love"! It's entirely psychological of course, but I find a manicure and a kick-ass outfit can go a long way to making you work 100% harder. There are some 80s and neon lovin' girls I know. I totally recommend the Rad Collection.