Cat Woods

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Alternatives to Soft Drink

Guilty admission - when I was working in a media role a few years ago I had a boss who had her own little refrigerator loaded with Coke Zero. I had to know what the attraction was and ended up drinking 3 600ml bottles daily!
There are a litany of reasons why soft drinks, and diet soft drinks, are toxic. They are full of artificial additives, flavours, concoctions of chemicals and often, high in sodium. They will rot your teeth and here's the thing: they DON'T even satisfy you!
So, this is for me a few years ago and for my personal training client, Miss M, who wants an alternative to Coke.

Juice: go for vegetable-based juices because pure fruit juice is all the natural sugar of fruit without the fibre! A mix of both is great

Smoothies: Even BETTER than juice because you get the fibre too. Again, vegetable based juices are ideal. Throw in some ginger and mint for extra flavour

Iced tea: Licorice root tea is super-sweet and tastes fantastic iced. So does mint tea! There's plenty of flavours to choose from. Add mint, lemon juice or stevia to flavour (my favourite is T2 Tummy Time)

Skim milk: High in protein and calcium - this is satisfying AND nutritious!